
Socioscope is a founding member of Human Rights House Yerevan human rights defenders’ network. Within its scope, it partners with the other founding NGOs, including Real World Real People, Armenian Helsinki Association, Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly Vanadzor Office, Women’s Resource Center, Journalists’ Club “Asparez”  and Pink Armenia. With the latter three organizations, we also cooperate within research activities.

A number of other NGOs, such as Media Initiatives Center, Transparency International Anticorruption Center, New Generation NGO, Coalition to Stop Violence against Women have been cooperating with us within research, educational and advocacy activities.

We stand in significant partnership and in many respects like-mindedness and solidarity with Johannissyan Institute, Focus, Institute for Contemporary Art, Commune, and

Our international partners are Human Rights House Foundation, Norwegian Helsinki Committee, and Prague Civil Society Center.

In various years, our proposed projects have been approved and financially supported by US Embassy in Armenia, OSF-Armenia, NED, Norwegian Helsinki Committee, and Gulbenkian Foundation.



Donations of any desired amount can be made to the following account numbers, indicating “donation” in the purpose field.

2052822181271008 (AMD)
2052822181271022 (USD)
2052822181271042 (EUR)